Friday, February 24, 2012

A few months ago, I was really struggling with the purpose of me being in Mozambique.  As I walked on the hot sand, I saw something shiny in the sand.  Initially I thought it was a piece of trash, which can be found everywhere in Mozambique.  Looking more closely I could see that it was something of value- a glass marble.  I picked it up and for a moment I marveled over this colorful glass ball that seemed so out of place, a small treasure among the sand and trash.  And the Spirit brought to mind this story: 

The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field.  When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.   Matthew 13:44.

 This story Jesus told reminded me why I am in Mozambique.  You see, Jesus is my treasure.  He is a treasure so great that it is well worth dropping everything that glitters in this world in pursuit of a treasure that can’t be rusted or stolen.   My allegiance and loyalty belong to Him. And He has said go to Vilanculos, Mozambique and love and serve the people there, and so that is what I am doing.

I arrived in Vilanculos at the beginning of July 2011 and it seems so strange and normal that I’ve been there for 8 months now.

It is an exciting time for a few reasons.  I just returned from South Africa, where I got a 60 day visa, saw lots of people and went shopping for my new place.  South Africa has a special place in heart because I was born there and lived there until I was 11 years old.  I’m blessed to have the opportunity/requirement to visit.

 Lord-willing, next weekend I am moving into a room in town.  It will be nice to finally have a place I can call my own and no longer worry about taking half an hour or longer to get into town.   Please pray that things would go smoothly and that indeed there would be a room and bed ready for me next Saturday.

The Jesus for Africa family has also grown.  Arthur Purdy and his family are now in Vilanculos and it’s a blessing to have them here.  You can learn more about them at their blog:  Another South African family is also planning to come up and live in Vilanculos and so I am looking forward to that.

   I would absolutely love to return to the States in May this year.  I would love to see my family and friends and church family as well.  Lately I’ve been missing people a lot and I think it would be good to return for a while and really maintain relationships with people.  I need about $1500 to go to the States and I need your financial help and generosity to get there.  If you want to see me, let me know.

Also, as I have prayed about my purpose and ministry here I really sense the Lord’s guidance in staying here for more than one year, which is the time frame I  was initially thinking.  Being Africa, it takes a while to really get things started and rolling here.  So much of what I do is based on building relationships with people and that just takes time.  My heart is to reach women and disciple them. This includes: learning about them and their culture, building a relationship with them, teaching them the Word of God, encouraging them to pray and reach out in their communities, and to love God with everything.   I feel as though I am just getting started and there is so much more to be done.  There is so much need here, it is ridiculous.    I would like to have ladies who can lead and teach others by the time I leave.  With this in mind, and the Lord’s guidance in this area, it just makes sense to stay for a longer period of time.  As of right now, I believe I will live here for 3 years, which takes me into 2014.  Beyond that, I’m not sure where I will be or what I will do, although I think I’ll be in Africa.  I feel as though I am in a video game and I am currently on the “Vilanculos level” in which God is preparing me for the next step or next level…whatever that may be.

So I am here, living by faith, believing that God has called me here and is continually accomplishing his purposes in me and through me.  If you believe in me and what I am doing there are a few things you can do to help and encourage me.  You can send me money.  Thank you to all of you who have given.  I am 100% dependent on God to provide for my every need and I am confident that He will give me what I need.  He uses people to give…so please consider giving to me so I can continue living here in Mozambique and return to the States to visit.  You can also pray for me.  Its been so cool to feel prayers of people this year…like that weird indescribable sense of there’s something amazing happening in the supernatural.   So thank you for all your prayers.  I know prayer is so powerful.  A third way you can encourage me is to keep in touch with me.  I love getting emails or skyping with people. And hopefully I will much better internet connection once I live in town.  My email address is  My skype ID is feebeelee12. And you can even call or text me at +258 84 261 3653.  I genuinely would like to know what is going on in your lives as well and how I can pray for you too.    If you would like to give to me, you can write a check to BeLOVE Inc. and put my name on the memo line and mail to
PO BOX 1742 

Also, one cool thing about BeLove Inc.  is that I receive 100% of what is given, there are no administrative fees. 

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

My visit to Beira

This past week I visited Beira, the second or third largest city in the country that is about an 8 hour bus ride north of Vilanculos, where I live.   I went because William and Tara are in Beira for two months, assisting our Mozambican friend, Elias in building an orphanage.  William and Tara are friends from the World Race who also work with Be Love Inc.   There was also a World Race team of 7 American women in their early twenties staying with Elias and I was particularly looking forward to meeting them and being with them for one week.  Because I was on the World Race two years ago,  I knew we could relate to one another in special way.  I prayed that it would be a refreshing break for me, and that I could pour into their lives as well as them into mine.  And I thank God that that’s exactly what happened.

One of the biggest challenges for me in being here is being and feeling alone and isolated in what I am doing.  Although I’ve worked and lived with Pastor Jaco and his family, and now there’s another family here too I miss being on a team with others who are close in age and stage in life.  That is the reason why it was so good for me to be with other Americans who are also single and missionaries.  It’s hard to articulate just how good it was to be there.  I really miss the sense of community that is part of the World Race: the mutual and healthy give and take that naturally comes as you share stories, prayers, Scriptures, struggles, and life.

When I arrived in Beira I immediately noticed a lighter atmosphere or “feel”.   Spiritually Beira is at a very different place than Vilanculos.  There is often oppressive spirit in Vilanculos that keeps people down and indifferent about the Lord.  Conversely in Beira there was a lightness in spirit and a peace and a joy that characterized the city.  I was surprised just how many people go to church and how fervent and excited they are to be in the house of the Lord.  There are people so hungry for God and passionate about reaching those around them.  Last Sunday evening I was at a church service in Beira that met in an outdoor stadium.  Not that a church is  better because of more people, but it was cool to see so many in church as it doesn’t happen around here.  I pray that the churches in Beira continue to grow and glorify the Lord, and reach out to the rest of Mozambique.  God showed me I am strategically placed in a dark area to be a light. 

Housing Hunting in Vilanculos

Looking for a place to stay in Mozambique is quite different than in the USA.  To begin with there are no apartment guides to help find a place.  Basically finding a place to stay consists of asking everyone and anyone I know if they know of a place available for rent.  Being a tourist town some thought I was only looking for accommodations for a night or two.

These were my basic desires for the new place.  1. Good central location- within walking distance to the market, the bank, and the beach.  2.  Having a room of my own, a bathroom with running water and toilet, and a kitchen area.  3. Cost of 3000 meticais  (~$100) or less per month. 

When I initially told Jaco and Maria about my desire to move into town they were very doubtful that I could find a place that would be nice enough to stay in for 3000 per month.  But when I prayed about it and told God I have faith that you will provide I knew I would find a place.  I also prayed that He would open the right door and give me a peace and excitement about the right place. 

I had some interesting experiences looking for a place.  Meeting a guy at the market who wanted me to become his roommate tops the list.  On the appointed day we walk to the house with a nice entry way/kitchen area, living room and bedroom…the only problem was it was clearly occupied by people who had no plans to move.  I asked “Where is the room for me?” I asked.  “Oh, we’ll make space for you,” he assured me. Needless  to say I  was less than impressed, as I explained that I wanted a vacant room, rather than being his roommate.  I saw a few other places including a house that was 20,000 mets per month, a few places that were 1500 mets but had very small rooms, and lacked the whole bathroom scenario and location that I wanted.

I finally found a place after meeting Jobi (who showed me the place) at the cultural central.  The location is perfect: right next to the children’s park (which I’ve always liked), within walking distance of the market, bank, restaurants and the beach.  In fact I can see the beach if I look to my left once I exit the room.  The room is sizable, the bathroom...although not finished will have running water and they are willing to convert another room into a kitchen.  I won’t move in until I return from South Africa towards the end of February so hopefully much progress will happen between now and then.

I can’t wait to move in, and decorate a place to call my own home.