Friday, July 20, 2012


The highlight of my day (Friday) was watching Carlota eat a tangerine.

Why? What’s so special about eating tangerines?

I visited Carlota on Tuesday.  She was starving. It seemed clear that she would starve to death- this old, feeble woman who was too weak to move and speak, and refused to swallow porridge.  She seemed to have lost her will to live.  Her friends and relatives refused to take her to the hospital.  Death was spoken over her from all sides.   She was waiting to die.

On Tuesday Danie and Wendy (South African missionaries) and I saw Carlota and we discussed what to do with this person who would probably die soon.  We prayed for her and decided to visit her every day (I would alternate days with Danie and Wendy), try to feed her and encourage her, and pray that she would come to know the Lord before she dies.
She was still very feeble when I visited her Wednesday morning, but already a little stronger and more energetic. 

So today when I saw her feed herself that tangerine I couldn’t help but smile in awe and excitement.  I don’t think I’ve ever taken as much joy watching somebody eat.  I could see God’s hand at work as well.  After she ate I started to pray.  God was there.  It was beautiful.  It was so obvious to me that the Spirit of the Living God was there (definitely the most I’ve sensed the Lord’s presence since returning to Mozambique).
 I was humbled and amazed.
“How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord Almighty!  For my soul longs and even faints for you…”  Psalm 84:1&2
I marveled at how the flea infested soil beneath my legs in this puny reed shelter had transformed into the sanctuary of the Most High.  I didn’t want to leave.
Surely the Lord uses the simple and foolish things of the earth to confound the wise and display his glory.  1 Corinthians 1:26-29